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USB Audio Interface | Product code:


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The iRig PRO Duo is a compact, dual-channel, high-compatibility audio interface for iPhone, iPad, Android, MAc and PC.

Extreme mobility and connectivity

The first unique feature that allows you to record anywhere is the comprehensive power supply. iRig Pro DUO can be powered by two AA batteries and therefore takes no power from a connected iPhone or iPad. And if you use the included USB or Micro USB OTG cable connected to a laptop or Android device, the iRig Pro DUO can be powered either from the connected device or again from its own batteries. And what about when you're back in the studio? Then you can power iRig Pro DUO from the mains with the help of a power adapter. The other great thing is the instrument connectivity, which allows you to connect all sorts of different instruments, and you'll always get the perfect sound. The iRig Pro DUO provides high quality 24-bit recording while providing plug-and-play simplicity. It features two channels with XLR/TRS combo inputs, as well as +48V phantom power, so you can connect anything from a condenser microphone to guitar, bass to keyboards and more. Crystal-clear extra-low-noise preamps with large headroom ensure a professional level of sound wherever you go.

For all platforms

iRig Pro DUO also delivers connectivity across all platforms. You can connect an iPhone, iPad, Android device, Mac, PC - and you get Lightning, USB-OTG and USB cable so wherever you are and whatever device you get to, you'll always be connected. Plus, the iRig Pro Duo comes with a suite of software and apps for each of the usable platforms.

Compactness and features

The iRig Pro DUO is the smallest fully featured dual-channel audio interface on the market. Its sleek design is engineered to handle the pitfalls of recording on the go, one after another. It's the perfect size - it fits easily in your hand or pocket. But iRig Pro DUO isn't just an excellent tool for audio. You can also connect your favorite MIDI controllers to it, thanks to dedicated TRS/MINI-DIN cables and separate MIDI in/out jacks.

Monitoring & Outputs

Monitoring mixes or inputs is a breeze. Two balanced TRS outputs are available, allowing you to send a zero-latency signal directly to your listening monitors or portable speakers. These outputs provide an amazingly clear audio signal. With the Direct Monitor switch, you can choose whether to listen to the direct input signal or the processed signal from your computer or device. There's also a high-quality headphone output with volume control, so you can monitor real-time recording or playback on your favorite headphones, too. The fully floating symmetrical output design protects against potential ground loop or hum issues when connected to a powered iOS device or laptop. You'll especially appreciate this superior design on stage, without having to use special cables or DI boxes.
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  • Compatibility: iOS 7 ->; Mac OS X 10.6 ->; Windows 10 ->; Android 5 ->
  • Type: USB
  • Number of Analogue Output Ports: 2
  • Number of Microphone Input Ports: 2
  • Number of Input Ports: 2
  • Number of Output Ports: 2
  • MIDI: Yes
  • SPDIF: No
  • ADAT: No
  • Headphone Output Port: Yes
  • Phantom power: Yes
  • 19” Rack Compatible: No
  • Sample Rate: 44.1k Hz, 48 kHz
  • Software: N/A
  • Adapter included: No
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