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Free shipping on purchases over €299 If you're one of the music-loving eager shoppers, you'll appreciate that we'll deliver all orders worth €299.00 or more for free. This service does not apply to oversized orders.
Extended 3-year warranty Music cultivates the world around us, and we offer premium services so that we can help musicians in their art. In addition to other benefits, you can also expect an extended 3-year warranty.
A 30-day trial period
Sometimes, despite the care you put into your decision, you may discover that your instrument does not meet your expectations. We want you to be 100% satisfied with the instrument you purchase from us, which is why you can return the merchandise within 30 days. For goods purchased from 1 November to 24 December, we offer the possibility of exchange for other goods until 31 January of the following year.
More about returns and refunds.
We cover the cost of return shipping
Our goal is for you to be able to concentrate solely on your music. If you decide to return or exchange your goods within the first 14 days from the purchase, we will arrange for pick-up at no cost to you. The only thing you need to do is contact our Merchandise Returns Department at This service can be used once every 90 days. You can return the goods during the following 16 days at your own expense.
More about returns and refunds.
Earn a discount with every purchase In addition to the joy it brings, every purchase you make at our e-shop will also earn you customer bonuses that you can save up on your customer account. You can use this bonus for discounts on any future purchases. More about customer bonus.
Fantastic strings suitable for quality guitars. They don't add or subtract anything, they let the guitar's own sound stand out. If you need to improve the sound of your guitar by accentuating anything (bass, treble, ...) then try others. If you want to know how your guitar really sounds - then these are the right strings for you.
Fantastické struny vhodné pro kvalitní kytary. Nic nepřidávají ani neubírají, nechají vyniknout vlastní zvuk kytary. Pokud potřebujete zvuk své kytary vylepši zvýrazněním čehokoliv (basy, výšky, ...) tak vyzkoušejte jiné. Pokud chcete vědět jak vaše kytara opravdu zní - pak jsou to ty pravé struny pro vás.
Since I read that the guitar will come alive with these strings, I decided to try them out. However, after the first stringing and tuning, I had a hard time resisting disappointment. After all, I've gotten too used to the sound of phosphor-bronze strings (lately mostly coated, various brands), so the different sound of these strings didn't excite me much at first. But...
The longer I play them, the more I like them, I'd say their sound settles down over time. I really like how beautifully balanced the sound of the strings is, no string gets lost among the others, you can hear nice bass and clear sounding highs. They feel softer than the classic phosphor-bronze 12s (which can probably sometimes lead to an adjustment of the finish), and it shows in their quicker response when played, the legato is very easy and recognizable to play.
What I don't like so much is their very metallic sound for my taste (which reminds me of the sound of guitars from 20-30 years ago, but that may not be a disadvantage :) ), and the silver color that is common in electric guitars. I don't know yet how it's durability is, but after about three weeks of playing it still sounds good.
Protože jsem se dočetl, že kytara s těmito strunami obživne, rozhodl jsem se je vyzkoušet. Po prvním natažení a naladění jsem však měl těžkosti ubránit se zklamání. Přece jenom jsem si už až příliš zvykl na zvuk fosfor-bronzových strun (poslední dobou hlavně potahovaných, různých značek), takže mě odlišný zvuk těchto strun napoprvé moc nenadchl. Ale...
Čím déle na ně hraji, tím víc se mi líbí, řekl bych, že časem se jejich zvuk ustaluje. Moc se mi líbí, jak krásně je zvuk strun vybalancovaný, žádná struna se mezi ostatními neztrácí, jsou rozeznatelné jak hezké basy tak i jasně znějicí výšky. Působí měkčeji než klasické fosfor-bronz dvanáctky (což může asi někdy vést k úpravě dohmatu), a je to i znát na jejich rychlejší reakci při hraní, legata se hrají velmi lehce a rozeznatelně.
Co mi zas až tak nevyhovuje, je jejich na můj vkus hodně kovově-metalický zvuk (který mi připomíná zvuk kytar tak před 20-30ti lety, což ale nemusí být nevýhoda :) ), a stříbrná barva, která je běžná u elektrických kytar. Zatím ještě nevím, jak je to s jejích životnosti, ale po cca třech týdnech hraní ještě stále znějí dobře.
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