Alto Saxophones

Yamaha YAS-62

(1) Saxophone / HN173953
The Japanese company Yamaha is one of the most well-known and highly sought-after brands in the world of wind instruments. Their products combine modern technology with traditional craftsmanship.

The "62" series represents professional instruments known among musicians for their high reliability and first-class quality. Behind their success are people with vision and skilled craftsmen who do their work with passion and the necessary attention to detail.

The YAS-62 is an alto saxophone with a gold-lacquer finish. It features a narrower bore that allows for faster response and easier control of the instrument, additional high F# and front F flaps, polyester flap inlay, adjustable thumb rest, improved deep B - C# coupling mechanism ensuring consistent deep C# flap closure for a specific tone in the deep register, and steel needle springs delivering faster and more responsive flap response. The two-piece soundboard is decorated with hand engraving. The 4C spout and case are included.

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  • Wind Instrument Type Alto Saxophone
  • Tuning Eb
  • Body Brass
Country of production
  • Country of Production Japan
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. Štěpán
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I compared the Yamaha YAS-62 with the Yanagisawa WO-1. Sound-wise I found the Yamaha to be more saxophonic, raw and better sounding, unfortunately in the a, h, his, c and cis (top end of the unblown saxophone) it was much less in tune than the Yanagisawa. I found the lower end of the overblown (d, dis and e) to be better on the Yamaha, but it wasn't a big difference. Compared to the Yanagisawa, it has much worse sticky pads and it also has plastic fingerboards. If I were a more experienced saxophonist and could deal better with the worse intonation, and possibly have some of the stickers replaced if they still stuck, I might choose the Yamaha for the sound alone. I SHOULD POINT OUT THAT I HAVE DIRECTLY COMPARED THE INTONATION WITH ONE OTHER SAXOPHONE, IT IS POSSIBLE THAT COMPARED TO 90% OF OTHER SAXOPHONES ON THE MARKET THIS INSTRUMENT TUNES BETTER !!!

  • The saxophone looks precision made and sounds good. Compared to the higher end professional saxophones from Yamaha made in Japan, it is actually very cheap and a bargain.
  • Compared to some other saxophones, intonation can be more difficult (especially for inexperienced players). It has plastic fingerboards and sticky pads. Better fingerboards and fingerboard pads are only found on the 82Z and 875EX.

Yamahu YAS-62 jsem srovnával s Yanagisawou WO-1. Zvukově mi přišla taková saxofonovitější, syrovější a lépe znějící Yamaha, bohužel v oblasti a, h, his, c a cis (horní konec nepřefouknutého saxofonu) ladila mnohem hůř než Yanagisawa. Spodní konec přefouknutého (d, dis a e) mi přišel lepší u Yamahy, ale nebyl to velký rozdíl. Oproti Yanagisawě má mnohem horší lepivé podlepky a má taky plastové hmatníky. Kdybych byl zkušenější saxofonista a lépe bych se dokázal vypořádat s horší intonací, a případně si nechal vyměnit některé podlepky, pokud by stále lepily, tak bych kvůli samotnému zvuku možná volil Yamahu. UPOZORŇUJU, ŽE INTONACI JSEM PŘÍMO SROVNÁVAL S JEDNÍM DALŠÍM SAXOFONEM, ŽE MOŽNÉ, ŽE OPROTI 90% OSTATNÍCH SAXOFONŮ NA TRHU TENTO NÁSTROJ LADÍ LÉPE !!!

  • Saxofon vypadá precizně vyrobený a dobře zní. Oproti vyšším profesionálním saxofonům od Yamahy vyrobených v Japonsku je vlastně velmi levný a výhodný.
  • Oproti některým jiným saxofonům může být (zejména pro nezkušené hráče) obtížnější intonace. Má plastové hmatníky a lepivé podlepky. Lepší hmatníky a podlepky jsou až u 82Z a 875EX.
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