Signature Models

ProMark Carter McLean Signature

Hickory Drum Sticks / HN230572
These hickory drumsticks from Promark are the signature model of the famous drummer Carter Mclean. With a diameter in the 5A/5B range and an elongated profile, these are very unique drumsticks that are arguably the most versatile model in Promark's lineup. Their specially shaped tip allows you to get a very wide range of sounds out of your kit - for example, the cymbals sound open and bright on parallel strikes, while the sharper angle strikes make the sound darker and provide better articulation. The centre of gravity of the mallet is closer to the back end, giving you great response and precise control when playing.
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  • Type 5A
  • Material Hickory
  • Tip Wood
Dimensions and weight
  • Length 406 mm
  • Thickness 14 mm
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