Replacement Styli

Ortofon DJ Stylus Scratch White

Replacement Stylus / HN197333
As implied by the name, the Scratch is intended especially for the disciplines of scratch and back-cueing.

It is made of a fluorescent neon-red material with the intention it becoming highly apparent in spotlight and luminous in ultraviolet light. For DJs that require increased tracking ability, the Scratch is up to the task.

Featuring a reinforced rubber suspension, DJs need not worry about compromising sound quality and stylus life when working with higher tracking forces. With solid bass reproduction and extended highs, the Scratch is great for any style, providing energetic, in-your-face sound.
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  • Stylus type Spherical
  • Down pressure 4 g
  • Output voltage 7 mV
  • Frequency Range 20 Hz - 15 kHz
Country of production
  • Country of Production Denmark
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