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NOVATION FLkey 49 (opened)

USB/MIDI Keyboard | Product code:


Price incl. VAT 23%

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Novation is proving every moment that it is one of the world's leaders in the development of MIDI controllers and synthesizers. Now it is sure to please all music producers and studio sound engineers who compose and record in FL Studio software. The FLkey series MIDI keys are the first in the world to be designed specifically for this intuitive and increasingly popular DAW software. It is based on the popular Novation Launchkey MIDI keys and is available in 25, 37, 49 and 61 key versions.

Launchkeys have won the hearts of customers primarily due to their compact size, light weight, simple design and intuitive operation, as is the case with FLkey. So you can take the keys with you anywhere and create or record music right on your long journeys or while relaxing in the countryside. The first generation has added features such as Arpeggiator, one-note chord triggering with Fixed Chord Modes, new controls for transport or mixing, and last but not least, touch-sensitive Pitch and Modulation faders. The rear panel then offers a MIDI output in the form of a DIN-5pin for additional synths, drum machines, or MIDI devices, and an output for a Sustain pedal for an even more authentic playing experience.

The keys are fully compatible with FL Studio software, which you get for 6 months absolutely free. FLkeys also work completely plug & play, so just connect them via USB cable to your device and you can start creating your new recordings. You control the software via eight rotary potentiometers and other controls that allow you to navigate the program without a single mouse movement. Also colour-coordinated with FL Studio are the 16 touch pads, which are highly responsive and backlit with RGB LEDs for better visibility, giving you good visibility especially during nighttime live performance and studio sessions. Included in the package is a six-month TRIAL version of FL Studio and a USB cable to connect to your device.

Get creative
Create new melodies, rhythms, sounds, run your fingers over the keys and don't let anything or anyone distract you. FLkeys have a powerful arpeggiator, Fixed Chord mode that captures the harmonic part of your idea and then you compose the main melody. Heavy dynamic beats are now created using sixteen super sensitive pads.

Your song, your way
Step away from the computer screen and focus solely on your playing and composing. Intuitive keyboard controls take you away from your computer mouse, monitor and laptop keyboard. You can control the entire software using the FLkey control panel, so the keys behave almost like an analog synthesizer, bringing a whole new direction to the world of MIDI devices.

It's an instrument, it wants you to play it
MIDI instruments are no longer just intermediaries between you and your computer, over decades of development they have evolved into a regular and respected musical instrument that can handle live performance in addition to studio production. Despite its small size, the FLkey hides a myriad of functions, possibilities and, when combined with software, a myriad of sounds that will perfectly enrich your songs and beats.
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  • Number of Keys: 49
  • Key Size: Standard
  • Keyboard: N/A
  • Keyboard Type: Touch-Sensitive
  • Keyboard Surface: Smooth
  • Battery Operated: No
  • Input Ports: N/A
  • Output Ports: MIDI Out, Sustain
  • Colour: Black
  • Software: FL Studio Producer Edition, XLN Audio Addictive Keys, AAS Session Bundle, Spitfire Audio LABS Expressive Strings, Klevgrabd R0Verb, Klevgrand DAW Cassette
  • USB midi: Yes
  • Adapter included: No
  • Country of Production: China
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