
Music Nomad The Soundhole Humitar

(2) Humidifier / HN185806
For an acoustic guitar to play and look its best, it needs a sufficiently damp environment, otherwise the wood can dry out, warp and in the worst case crack. This humidifier from Music Nomad will provide the ideal conditions to store your guitar, without the hassle that accompanies the maintenance of standard humidifiers. It contains an innovative Humid-i-Bar sponge that absorbs water ten times its own weight. Simply insert the humidifier into the soundboard between the strings of the instrument, which securely locks it in place, and you can safely store your guitar in its case or carrying case. Moisture is released safely into the air without any dripping.

And how do you know when the sponge needs to be re-moistened? Simply flip the cap off and touch the surface - if it's wet, all is well, if dry, soak the sponge in distilled water and put it back in, no further maintenance required.

Music Nomad, an American manufacturer of premium cleaning and protective products, has been offering traditional guitar cosmetics as well as maintenance products for percussion, wind or keyboard instruments since 2008. All products are developed with meticulous care and undergo the most rigorous testing. Music Nomad offers the widest range of products on the market, but most importantly, each one has been designed and manufactured from the ground up to be the best in its class. The company's products are used in the factories and workshops of brands such as Taylor, EMG Pickups, Suhr, Kala, Cordoba, Vigier, DW and many more.
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  • Type of Cleaning Product Moisturizer
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