
Music Nomad GRIP Bit Peg Winder

(1) Screwdriver Attachment / HN185800
A special attachment allows even faster string winding. It can be attached to any drill or electric screwdriver, and the rubber-coated hard plastic attachment ensures that it will not scratch the tool's paintwork like a conventional winding crank. It is suitable for all types of tuning mechanics.

American manufacturer of premium cleaning and protective products Music Nomad has been offering traditional guitar cosmetics as well as maintenance products for percussion, wind and keyboard instruments since 2008. All products are developed with meticulous care and undergo the most rigorous testing. Music Nomad offers the widest range of products on the market, but most importantly, each one has been designed and manufactured from the ground up to be the best in its class. The company's products are used in the factories and workshops of brands such as Taylor, EMG Pickups, Suhr, Kala, Cordoba, Vigier, DW and many more.
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Currently unavailable
  • Type Extender
  • Colour .Blue
  • Material Plastic/Metal
Country of production
  • Country of Production USA
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