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Analogue Mixer | Product code:


Price incl. VAT 23%

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Central Warehouse In Stock 1 pcs

The VLZ4 series of mixing consoles is a range that has been developed from years of experience by Mackie engineers. The fact that they took the right path is confirmed by the fact that it is one of the best-selling mixing console series worldwide. The characteristics of the VLZ4 certainly include a large headroom, maximum elimination of unwanted noise, modern bus architecture and truly accurate signal transmission. Add a reliable equalizer, high-quality preamps and mechanically robust construction, and you have a truly great mixer...

Specifically, the 3204-VLZ4 is a compact 32-channel mixing console that offers 28 line inputs and 28 mic inputs, with the mic inputs using the high-quality Onyx preamps that you may be familiar with from Mackie's top of the line. These offer up to 60dB of gain range, allowing you to get up to 128.5dB in dynamic range. They provide the truest signal gain at all frequencies and minimal distortion levels. Of course, it also offers phantom power when using condenser microphones. Instrument inputs can also be used with the 3204-VLZ4, so you won't need any DI boxes.

In addition to Gain and Level controls, all channels offer a 3-band EQ with controllable center frequency that operates in the 80 Hz, 2.5-8 kHz and 12 kHz bands, plus a 100 Hz LowCut filter. There are also four Aux Send, Pre Fader Solo and Pan controls, plus -40dB/Solo and an OverLoad/Mute diode. Of course, the mixer also includes Control Room/Submix Main Mix controls.

Also included is a Tape Level control, which controls the level of the signal received via the stereo RCA Tape Input, alongside which you'll also find a Tape Output. Of course there is a headphone output with its own volume control, six Aux Send, 8 Direct Outputs, a Control Room Output and an ALT Output. An LED annunciator is used to monitor the output signal. This model also features a USB interface for connecting to a computer for recording or using virtul effects, if the ones directly built into the RMFX+ dual effects processor aren't enough.

The mixer chassis is built to withstand any load. The potentiometers are sealed so that no dirt or dust can get into them.
The description was translated automatically


  • Number of Microphone Input Ports: 28
  • Number of Input Ports: 32
  • Number of AUX: 6
  • Number of Subgroups: 4
  • Insert Inputs: 33
  • Direct Out: 0
  • Microphone Channel EQ: 3 Bands with 1 Parameter
  • 19” Rack Compatible: Yes
  • Multi-Effect: Yes
  • Compressor: No
  • Firmware: No
  • USB: Yes
  • Number of Channels: 32
  • Country of Production: China
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