
Line 6 FBV2

(7) Footswitch / HN021089
This footswitch allows scrolling between channels A, B, C and D. In the case of apparatus or effects with multiple banks, it does so only within the first bank. It is compatible with the products from the series mentioned below, which can also be connected to the footswitch or their connectors are marked as "FBV Pedal" (for POD). The cable is included.
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Currently unavailable
  • Suitable For Line6 Spider Valve, Spider IV, Spider III, Spider II, Flextone III, Vetta, Vetta II, HD147, POD 2.0, POD xt, POD XT Pro, POD X3, POD X3 Pro, Bass POD xt, Bass POD XT Pro LowDown
  • Number of Buttons 2
Country of production
  • Country of Production China
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