Effects For Acoustic Instruments

Boss AD-2

(3) Guitar Effect / HN168407
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If you've ever played live on an electro-acoustic guitar, you'll know that its sound changes dramatically when plugged into your equipment, and usually for the worse. The space and natural dynamics are lost. If you want to preserve your favourite sound on stage, turn your attention to this acoustic preamplifier from Boss.

The AD-2 Acoustic Preamp features easy-to-use controls with three potentiometers. So you can concentrate solely on your performance and peacefully forget that there's some pretty sophisticated sound editing going on under the surface of the metal chassis.

Acoustic Resonance helps every piezo pickup you'll find in most electro-acoustic guitars come to life and makes the whole sound shine. Ambience adds the desired sense of space and Notch takes the hassle out of feedback. The AD-2 also features a DI line output, so you can plug it directly into your mixing desk and you don't have to bring a combo. Holding the pedal down activates the Mute function, which mutes the incoming signal so you can tune in peace or swap out your guitar for another during a gig without damaging the audience's hearing.

Say goodbye to the dull concert sound that takes away all your energy during a gig. Once you try the AD-2, you won't want to play any other way.
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  • Controls Ambience, Acoustic Resonance, Notch
  • True Bypass No
  • Type Akustický předzesilovač
  • Power 9V Adapter, 9V Battery
Inputs and outputs
  • Input Ports 1x Mono
  • Output Ports 1x Mono, 1x DI
Dimensions and weight
  • Dimensions 73 x 59 x 129 mm
  • Weight 0.4 kg
  • Adapter included No
Country of production
  • Country of Production Taiwan
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Reviews (1)
. Milan
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Tested on four different guitars. The biggest change for the better was on an acoustic Furch about 15 years old. There the sound of the wood pickup changed several levels for the better. I couldn't create that kind of tone even with a digital guitar multieffect for almost 4 liters. Now I can easily record on this guitar and I don't have to make any additional adjustments to the sound. On the electric Ibanez the clean has also changed for the better although not as much as the Furch. On the pickup of the steel guitar the change for the better is not so pronounced and the same is true of the 12-string Washburn, which is almost new. I'm allergic to advertising hype, but here I don't think the manufacturer is lying. The older the pickup, the greater the change for the better.

  • Really lit up the sound of the old pickup!
  • It's not a disadvantage either, but be sure to use quality instrument cables. They hum on some thin noname ones.

Vyzkoušeno na čtyřech různých kytarách. Největší změna k lepšímu byla na akustickém Furchovi asi 15 let starém. Tam se zvuk dřevního snímače změnil o několik levelů k lepšímu. Takovou barvu jsem nedokázal vytvořit ani digitálním kytarovým multiefektem za skoro 4 litry. Teď už mohu na téhle kytaře klidně nahrávat a zvuk nemusím dodatečně nijak upravovat. Na elektické Ibanez se clean také změnil k lepšímu i když už ne o tolik jako u Furcha. Na snímači steel kytary změna k lepšímu už není tak výrazná a totéž platí i o dvanáctistrunném Washburnovi, který je skoro nový. Jsem alergický na reklamní plky, ale tady podle mne výrobce nelže. Čím starší snímač, tím větší změna k lepšímu.

  • Opravdu rozsvítil zvuk starého snímače!
  • Ani to nevýhoda není, ale určitě použijte kvalitní nástrojové kabely. Na nějakých tenkých noname hučí.
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