Bass Guitar Sheet Music

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Bass Guitar Lesson Book / HN279501
One of the most popular instruments that produces bass frequencies is the bass guitar. It is easily portable, loud and can be used in all styles of music. Every band simply

needs a bass player. Whether it is a rock or jazz band.

This book will cover everything you need to know to become a solid (and desirable) bass player in the shortest possible time.

To start producing lean tones on the bass, you need to understand its role and function in different musical styles and master the basic techniques of playing.

The bass guitar is an amazing and extremely important instrument in modern music. Your tone, groove, and inventiveness in creating a bass line significantly affect the song. Together with the drums, you form the backbone of any musical ensemble, you are the driving force behind the composition and form the essential bridge between rhythm, harmony and melody.

After many years of study and practice playing the bass, the author of this book brings you only the most important insights without unnecessary packaging and talking around. The aim of the book is to explain in the shortest possible time the basics of playing and understanding the role of the bass guitar in musical composition. This book will save you many dead ends and hours of wading through the internet.

Contents of the book:

- complete basics - description of the instrument, how to hold the bass and how to choose the right instrument

- orientation on the fingerboard

- tuning the bass

- tuning the instrument

- rhythmic studies

- the role and function of the bass in music

- basic techniques of playing the bass

- practical tips and tricks used successfully by professional players

- bass lines in different musical styles (rock, pop, drop tuning, funk, hip hop, reggae, salsa, blues, jazz, country, ska, punk)

- creating functional bass lines that you can use in your music practice

- overview of basic major and minor chords

- selecting the right instrument and strings

- how best to record a bass guitar

- link to download mp3 audio files for all exercises


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  • Number of Pages 88
  • Language Czech
  • Suitable for Bass Guitar
Country of production
  • Country of Production Czech Republic
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