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Universal Hardware | Product code:

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The most compact of all multitools in the revolutionary FREE series, yet powerful and indispensable. It fits everywhere, you won't feel it in your pocket or on your belt, but when it comes to capability, its compactness far exceeds its value. A total of 8 high-end and easily accessible tools of traditional Portland quality offer uninterrupted confidence that will never leave you in doubt of your invincibility.

The ergonomic design allows each tool to open and close with ease. The texture of the handle promotes a more comfortable grip. Haptic feedback gives you confidence that the tools are securely locked in place. All tools open with a quick and comfortable thumb press.

The magnetic latch architecture promotes an easy and smooth opening that minimizes friction and therefore overall wear on all tools. In addition, this revolutionary system allows you to work with speed and reliability for years to come with quick access to your tools.

Quick access to all tools from the outside of the multitool allows you to open the tools with one hand. No more ruined hands! Locking and unlocking the tools is completely safe thanks to the newly designed magnetic locks. So you can safely keep track of your current task and not the tool itself.


Knife made of 420 HC steel


Bottle opener

Cutting hook

Bale cutter

Phillips screwdriver

Medium screwdriver

Extra small screwdriver
The description was translated automatically


  • Material: Steel
  • Colour: Silver
  • Type: Universal Hardware
  • Country of Production: USA
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