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Guitar Effect | Product code:

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    STRYMON NightSky

The American company Strymon aims to produce precisely processed effects and in this area it does not admit any compromises. This makes Strymon effects one of the best things you can plug your instrument into today. The great enthusiasts at this small company spend months in the development of all effects, fine-tuning algorithms, calibrating and thinking through the smallest details. If you want to be in full control of your sound at all times, definitely turn your attention to this brand.

Big Sky is a sonically and functionally very refined reverb that will be appreciated especially by discerning players. There are twelve reverb types to choose from, including the very realistic Hall, Room, Plate and Spring reverbs. Other presets are suitable for creating sound textures or unusual effects and can be used in sound design, for example.

The effect control is very user-friendly. From the front panel, you can control parameters such as Decay, Pre-Delay, the ratio of the effect to the clean signal, tone aperture, modulation and the selection of individual effects. Param 1 and 2 controls can be assigned their own functions for each preset. Three footswitches are used to activate the presets, which can also be used to scroll through banks and activate the Infinite sustain/Freeze function for infinite reverb and soundscape creation.

Up to 300 presets can be stored with custom settings for the functions of the Param 1 and 2 controls and footswitches. Of course, you can connect an expression pedal and control via MIDI.

The effect operates in True Bypass mode and the analog signal from the instrument is not affected when passing through the effect. Everything happens "around" thanks to the powerful DSP. If you want to plug directly into a PA or mix, Strymon have also added a cabinet simulation.

Strymon Big Sky is the Rolls Royce between Reverbs and a versatile solution that will stand up to live playing, in the studio and in the creative phase of your productions.
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  • Type: Reverb
  • Controls: Type, Value, Decay, Pre-Delay, Mix, Tone, Param 1, Param 2, Mod
  • True Bypass: Yes
  • Input Ports: 2x Stereo, 1x Expression, 1x Midi In
  • Output Ports: 2x Stereo, 1x Midi Out
  • Power: 9V Adapter
  • Adapter included: Yes
  • Dimensions: 130 x 171 x 48 mm
  • Country of Production: USA
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