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Signature Picks | Product code:

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  • PERRI'S LEATHERS Pink Floyd Picks I - 6 pack

    PERRI'S LEATHERS Pink Floyd Picks I - 6 pack



  • PERRI'S LEATHERS David Bowie Picks II

    PERRI'S LEATHERS David Bowie Picks II

If even something as seemingly simple as a pick can be a means of expression for you, then reach for Perri's Leathers picks. As well as premium quality, you'll get your hands on attractive signature designs from legendary bands like ACDC, Guns N' Roses, Queen and more.

Perri's Leathers picks are sure to work as a great gift for any guitarist.

Originally a family-owned business, Perris's Leathers is now known worldwide for its popular products. Design and signature picks are not the only draw of the company. In fact, the company also focuses on the production of quality guitar straps and straps.

In Perri's Leathers products you will find a combination of functionality, novel design and the right rock and roll attitude.
The description was translated automatically


  • Thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Material: Celluloid
  • Quantity: 6
  • Colour: Graphic
  • Theme: AC/DC
  • Country of Production: Canada
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