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Drum Microphone Set | Product code:


Price incl. VAT 23%

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Central Warehouse In Stock 3 pcs

A set of four microphones suitable for sounding a drum kit in a recording studio or during a live performance. Set includes DTP 340 REX for bass drum, MTP 440 DM for snare and stereo pair LCT 040 MATCH for overheads. Also included are three microphone mounts, two windproof covers for the pencil microphones and a sturdy carrying case for safe transport.

The DTP 340 REX is a dynamic microphone completely adapted to the needs of capturing drums and percussion, and possibly other deep instruments such as double bass or bass guitar. It can handle very high sound pressures under any circumstances and will always offer a clear and natural sound that contains all the nuances in tone. Of course, the directional characteristic dampens unwanted ambient sound. Its unique feature is the ability to work with a flat or modified frequency response that amplifies the 70-150 Hz and 2-5 kHz region, which will greatly improve the sound not only of the bass drum. The body of the microphone is all metal, the head is covered with a durable grille.

MTP 440 DM
The MTP 440 DM is a dynamic microphone with a very durable construction capable of withstanding even high sound pressure and, thanks to its cardioid characteristic, superior feedback protection. It is ideal for capturing instrumentation, drums and percussion, vocals or wind instruments, both live and in the studio. The microphone body is all-metal, the head has an integrated pop filter and windproof cover.

A pair of Lewitt 040 Match condenser microphones ideal for recording percussion or acoustic guitars in stereo. They preserve the sonic character of your instrument with all its features. Thanks to the microphones, your acoustic guitar will have a crystal clear sound, as you can record your guitar from up to two different positions using a pair of microphones. The cymbals will then retain their long natural sustain and the bass drum will not lose its powerful bass. The lightweight aluminium construction allows for easy transport.
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  • Suitable for: Drum
  • Quantity: 4
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