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CELESTION BL15-300 X 4 Ohm 300W

Speaker | Product code:


Price incl. VAT 23%

We offer the best price

Expected on 28.6.2024


The British company Celestion is one of the most famous names in the field of loudspeaker production, no matter if we are talking about models for guitars, basses or audio equipment. For over 80 years its products have been at the top of what you can find in this field. Not for nothing are these speakers fitted to the most important brands.

Celestion's history began in 1924 in the London suburb of Hampton Wick. Back then, this small company didn't have a name, it took that from its first speaker model, which was made a year later. Celestion Ltd. was then founded in 1927.

In 1929, production moved across the River Thames to Kingston. During the Depression and the war Celestion fell on hard times, emerging from this in 1947 after being bought out by the Rola Company and moving to Thales Ditton. Since then the company has only grown and built an increasingly strong position in the world market. Between 1968 and 1975 production gradually began to move to Ipswich, and in 1979 the company was renamed Celestion International.

In 1992 Celestion was bought by Kinergetics Holdings, who merged it with KEF, giving rise to the GP Acoustics UK consortium. Since 2006, Celestion no longer manufactures finished audio systems and focuses purely on the production of speakers for guitar, bass or other equipment.


Celestion defines the Green Label range of speakers with the phrase "deep, warm hard-rock tone". They're the ideal choice for players who don't really crave super-clean and extremely articulate sound, but rather are looking for more powerful bass frequencies, a rich warm sound and a good amount of pressure coupled with high output. These speakers are available with both ferrite and neodymium magnets.

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  • Power Output: 300 W
  • Diameter: 15 "
  • Impedance: 4 Ohm
  • Sensitivity: 96 dB
  • Frequency Range: 42 Hz - 3,5 kHz
  • Weight: 4.8 kg
  • Country of Production: China
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